"Smoke Painting Machine: Sky City"
mixed media
24 x 22 x 26 inches
"Smoke Paintings"2012lit firework smoke residue , smoke painting machine, camera, pole, paper
process shotArt Omi International Art Residency, Ghent, NY
Photo: Ross Willows
"Sky City" smoke painting machine
mixed media, firework smoke canisters
"Smoke Paintings: Sky City"2012"Sky City" smoke painitng machine, smoke paintings
installation view"Sky City: Smoke Paintings"
Rosenberg Gallery, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
"Smoke Painting Sky City 2"
lit firework color smoke resideue on paper
7 ft x 7 1/2 ft
All images, video, and text copyright Rosemarie Fiore 2001-2022. Image courtesy of Space 42, Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville and Michelle Calloway